Is online therapy right for me?
Online therapy offers a convenient and accessible way to engage in psychotherapy and can be a very effective form of care, but it is not appropriate in some circumstances. Anyone who is currently experiencing an acute mental health or medical crisis would benefit from local, in-person services or a higher level of care.
Who does Aly work with?
- Aly is licensed to provide psychotherapy for clients who reside in California and Oregon
- At this time, all services are online only
- Individual adults only – she does not treat families, couples, or minors but can offer excellent referrals to those who do!
- Women’s groups available
- In-person workshops, intensives, and retreats coming soon!
What are the differences between therapy and consultation?
- Therapy and consultation appointments typically last 55 minutes.
- Longer sessions (up to 90) minutes are available and are often recommended for those engaging in AF-EMDR or trauma-focused work.
- Psychotherapy involves a more formal series of processes, including clinical assessments, developmental history taking, and stages of treatment, and tends to have the best outcomes when meeting weekly for the initial stages of care. As a psychodynamic, attachment and client-centered clinician, Aly sees the therapeutic relationship itself, as most vital in the process of healing. Though willing to engage in short-term or goal-focused work, she values building relationships with clients over time and has a preference for longer- term therapy work.
- Consultations are likely a more appropriate choice for individuals seeking one time, short-term, or more intermittent guidance or support related to a particular question or concern that aligns with Aly’s specific areas of interest and expertise.
Can I use my insurance? What are Aly’s fees?
- Aly does not accept insurance but can provide monthly superbills for those with out-of-network benefits to submit for reimbursement.
- Therapy and consultation fees are based on standard market rates.
- Sliding scale is available – inquire for more information.
- Online women’s groups are a low fee way to work with Aly and are available online. More
Women with relationship “addictions”
As a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, Aly specializes in helping women learn how to “be okay with being alone” and stop engaging in compulsively dating or tolerating relationship dynamics that are causing harm.
As a Post-Induction Trained Therapist (Pia Mellody’s Developmental Immaturity Model), Aly helps clients engage in examination of how their pasts inform their current relationship with self and others, to differentiate fantasy from reality, and intensity from intimacy. She helps women learn how to better recognize “red flags” of manipulation, undue influence, and coercive control in relationships or cultic groups.
Feminist analysis/media literacy
First introduced to media studies during her eating disorder recovery in the early 1990’s, Aly is interested in examining the ways media can be used to socially condition people into accepting a “malignant normality.” She guides clients to be critical of the media they consume using tools like the Bechdel Test, asking questions like “what product is this selling?” and “who benefits?” and tracking how their nervous system responds to these inputs.
She calls the broader culture to account for the harmful impacts caused by ever more extreme and rigid sex-role stereotypes, youth/beauty norms, sexual objectification, and criminal, sexual behavior wearing a Cleckley’s Mask.
Adult ADHD/Autism, cPTSD, and Differential Diagnosis
Aly is an adult diagnosed ADHD/Autistic with specialized research interests and training in recognizing nuanced, high-masking, female presentations of ADHD and Autism, often exacerbated in mid-life. She provides clinical consultation for therapists seeking help in differentiating ADHD/Autism in adult women from complex/PTSD, chronic anxiety/depression, and other common occurring diagnoses/misdiagnoses and collaborating on neuro-inclusive approaches to treatment.
Neuro Affirming Autism Screening
In 2023, Aly and her autistic colleague, Candice Christiansen co-created a Neuro-Affirming Autism Screening Tool to help guide clinicians in better identifying and assessing for autism in adult women presenting to treatment with betrayal trauma, and sex/love addictions for their presentation at the annual IITAP Symposium in Phoenix.
This tool is available at the link above and Aly also offers one-time or ongoing clinical consultation for individuals and therapists about using this screening – contact her for more information.
Neuro-Curious? Women’s Groups
Aly created an 8 week neuro-curious group curriculum for women exploring adhd and autistic neurotypes. This group focuses on neuro-affirming assessments and screenings, and discussions about the multi-layered complexities involved in the female experience of adult-recognized ADHD, Autism, or both ‘AuDHD.’
Individual consultation and clinical consultation is available.
Links to more about:
Polyvagal theory
Attachment Focused EMDR
Post Induction Therapy
Trauma Informed Expressive Arts
Contact Aly D MFT

Aly Dearborn. photo.